About Me

Picture of George and Jean Benthien Picture of George and Jean Benthien

My name is George Benthien. I am a retired math­e­ma­tician living in San Diego, California. My wife and I have two daughters and seven grandchildren. I obtained a PhD in mathematics from Carnegie-Mellon University in 1968 with an emphasis in Continuum Mechanics. I worked at SPAWAR (Space and Naval Warfare) center from 1959 to 2003.

My principal job was the mathematical modeling of Sonar transducers and arrays as well as their computer implementation. This involved, among other things, familiarity with elasticity theory, electrodynamics, acoustics, and numerical analysis. I was a co-developer of the widely distributed computer program CHIEF that numerically solves the Helmholtz integral equation to predict the acoustic radiation or scattering from arbitrary shaped bodies.

As retirees, my wife and I spend as much time as possible with our grand kids, work part-time at our church, and attend several Bible studies. I have been particularly involved in the ministry of our church to the homeless and poor in downtown San Diego. If you would like to find out more about this ministry go to the web site www.ladlefellowship.org.